Welcome to MSA Transportation Services
Providing transportation to areas of Manatee and Southern Hillsborough Counties.

Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year
MSA bus routes, pick up location/times, etc. will be emailed the week of July 22nd – 26th for all new and returning students.
*If you rode the bus last year, you are already re-enrolled and do not have to register again.
*Bus assignments will be emailed out to the primary contact parent/guardian only.
*Bus route assignments are based on the physical address listed on file with the school.
*If the physical address changes over the summer, parents must update their information with the school registrar to receive new busing assignments.
*If you are a new student and have completed your enrollment packet and checked the box that you need bus transportation services, you have already been enrolled as well.
*Reaxium Student Tracking App-primary parents will be sent an invitation code to the email listed on file.
2024-2025 Register to Ride Link
At MSA we are committed to the safety of our students and school. Ensuring access to learning requires that students get to and from school safely, regardless of their mode of travel. With safety in mind, our buses are equipped with safer anti-collision technology, online apps to view bus location in real time, SMS (text) notifications for parents and guardians to track when students enter and leave the bus, and even student WIFI.
Transportation General Information:
Operating hours are from 6:00am-6:30pm Monday-Friday
Transportation Services can be reached at 941-721-6800 Option 1.
Transportation After Hours can be reached at 941-909-4538. (6:30pm-8:30pm)
Transportation email: msabus@msaschool.org
Parents may request an appointment to speak with transportation personnel Monday-Friday between the hours of 9:00am-4:30pm
School Bus Tracking
closely with ReaXium to provide parents and legal guardians the best tools to monitor their children with ease.
The MyReaXiumAPP tracking app will:
- Monitor your students’ status
- Get notified of unforeseen changes
- Track the bus location
- Ensure the right bus & stop
A School Bus Tracking App for Parents
Sign Up Instructions For Parents:
Check your Email Inbox
The app is only accessible by authorized parents and guardians. If your child is a registered
charter school student bus rider, you should have received an invitation code and the app’s link
via email. If you have not received an email, you can still get on board and request a code
directly on the app.
Once you have received your unique, secure invitation code, copy it and launch the app and
finish registering. The app is available for iOS and Android devices. Just search
“MyReaXiumApp” in your app stores.
You are on board!
After creating your password, you are good to go! Get familiar with the app by checking out
these short videos to make sure you can stay connected to your child’s transportation
information and updates. Once you confirm your information, you’re ready to begin
Families need to make sure their children take their badges every day.
It is important because with their badge bus riders will be able to check-in and out when
boarding and leaving the bus. App users will have access to their particular student & assigned
bus information and real-time updates through the MyReaXiumApp.
Additional Information
Check out the following videos to get started with MyReaXiumApp:
For assistance with the MyReaXiumApp, use the GET SUPPORT button on the ReaXium
website or directly on the App!
For more information about the app click here.
Should you have any questions, or need immediate assistance we have a new MSA Bus Transportation HOTLINE that will be available Monday-Friday from 6am until 6:30pm. The direct hotline is 941.909.4538. You may also contact us at msabus@msaschool.org
Career Opportunities
If you are interested in working for our MSA Transportation Department please click the link below to apply!
Should you have any questions, please contact msabus@msaschool.org
Transportation FAQs
- A. New stops cannot be added the first 10 days of school. The reason we must wait for 10 days is that we have already advertised pickup and drop off times for other students. If you would like to request a new stop, please contact and submit your request to the Transportation Router This is not a guarantee that it will be approved.
- Some of the criteria considered are:
- Proximity to nearest stop
- Safety of the requested location
- Number of students impacted
- How the new stop will impact the bus time of other students
A. Our routes are based upon efficient routing schemes. We cannot adjust the times to accommodate after school needs.
- A. We strive to make the assigned bus stop no more than a mile for the student to get to. You can request the stop be moved at the beginning of the school year. Your request will not be considered for 10 days. Submitting a request does not guarantee that it will be approved. Some of the criteria considered are:
- Proximity to nearest stop
- Safety of the requested location
- Number of students impacted
- How the new stop will impact the bus time of other students
A. Bus Operators will keep students on the bus if there is thunder and lightning in the immediate area, or any other type of weather threat that may harm a student. Once the weather permits the operator will release the students.
- Students may ride the bus in the morning and afternoon. They may also opt to only ride in the morning or afternoon. Students do not have to ride every day to remain on the roster; however, they must ride at least THREE times a week to prevent having their name removed and having to re- register to ride.
Please note: In order for a student to ride the bus they must be registered at school.
AM – No students will be left behind at a morning bus stop. They will be transported to school and left with a school official if they are not registered to ride.
PM – Students can only ride the bus in the afternoon if they are registered at school.
Designed to provide centralized bus stops that allow for transportation throughout most of Manatee County. Hub stops are designed for parents to transport their child to the stop and may not be within walking distance. Most Hub stops are in public places and are easy for parents to get to. The purpose of the Hub stops is to allow for less travel time on the bus for the student, as the bus makes fewer stops. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their child is picked up/dropped off at the assigned stop location.
A. All buses are equipped with multiple cameras that record all video and audio activity while the bus is in operation. Students may be filmed at any time during their ride. The tapes may be utilized to determine violations of the Code of Student Conduct.
A. Students may bring band instruments on the bus as long as they can be held in their lap or between their legs and not protrude into the aisle or another student’s space.
A. As long as the project will fit in the student’s lap or between the student’s legs, it will be permitted. Large projects cannot contain materials that could be harmful to other students such as hazardous liquids, glass or other sharp items, etc
A. With the free School Bus Hub app you can track your student’s bus when it is close to the stop area. A late notification will be sent to parents if a bus is more than 15 minutes late.
If the bus arrives at school late, Transportation will notify the attendance officer at the school of the late arrival. Students will not be marked tardy due to their bus being late.
A. All students are assigned to one stop only. Different morning and afternoon stops are not allowed unless approved by a school transportation administrator.
A. You should have your child waiting at the bus stop 15 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time.
A. Your child is assigned to one bus only. There are no temporary bus changes allowed.
A. Normally the driver will secure any items that they find after their route. The next time they ride the bus, your child should ask the driver if they found their item.
A. That bus may be assigned to a different school than your child attends. You will need to call the Transportation Department to get your child’s correct bus number and bus stop.
A. Once you have filled out the online “Register To Ride” form on our website your student will be assigned a bus pass 1-2 weeks prior to the first day of school. If you are registered during the school year please allow 3 days for the bus assignment and pass. The bus pass will list their bus stop location, pick up time and the bus number.
A. In order for your child to be assigned to a bus, their address information must be updated at the school first. Once the new address is updated with the school, Transportation can assign them to the correct bus and provide them with a new bus pass. Please note this can take up to 3 days. A bus assignment is unable to be processed until the student’s address information is updated in the school database.
A. The buses may run late due to making sure that no students are left behind and to insure that all students are on the correct buses.
- Per Florida Statute 947.1405(7)(a)2 “Beginning October 1, 2004, a district school board may not establish or relocate a public school bus stop within 1,000 feet of the residence of a releasee who is subject to this subparagraph.”
All buses are equipped with lap seat belts. Students are instructed to wear seatbelts at all times while the bus is in motion.
Students Riding School Buses Or Other School Vehicles
Students shall ride only the school bus on which they are registered, and may not ride another bus on which they are not registered. Bus passes to allow students to temporarily ride another bus will not be issued. Allow three (3) days for changes in bus assignments. The following are the responsibilities of students and parents in regard to transportation:
- Occupy the seat assigned by the driver and remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- Observe classroom conduct except for ordinary conversation.
- Obey the driver and report to Student Support when told to do so.
- Warn the driver of approaching danger, if there is reason to believe the driver is not aware of the danger.
- Be at the place designated, both morning and evening, ready to board the bus fifteen (15) minutes before it is scheduled to arrive. The bus cannot wait for those who are tardy.
- Stay off the roadway at all times while waiting for a bus, and conduct themselves in an orderly manner.
- Wait until the bus has come to a complete stop before attempting to get on or off.
- Leave the bus only with the consent of the driver.
- Cross the road, if necessary, after leaving the bus in the following manner:
- Wait at the side of the road within sight and hearing of the driver
- Wait for proper signal for crossing
- Look both to the right and left and proceed across the highway in front of the bus upon signal from the driver.
- Keep head and hands inside the bus windows at all times.
- Be silent when approaching or crossing a railroad.
- Leave the bus by the emergency door only when told to do so by the driver, or in case of an emergency that is life threatening.
- Refrain from eating, drinking or smoking while on the bus.
- Board and leave the bus at their regular stop.
- Refrain from the use of profanity or abusive language on the bus.
- Refrain from carrying large objects without prior permission, including band instruments that might interfere with seating.
- Animals, snakes, frogs, etc., glass containers, sharp objects, balls, bats, cutting instruments, fireworks, laser pointers, and any other similar items are not allowed on the bus.
- Students are prohibited from taking cell phone photos and capturing video while on the bus.
- Any behavior on the bus or at the bus stop that violates school rules or has a negative effect on the health, safety, or welfare of the school community will be disciplined as per school rules.
- Make certain their children arrive at their bus stop fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled arrival time of the bus.
- Ensure a safe environment for their children going to and from the bus stop.
- Accept joint responsibility with school authorities for proper behavior of their child(ren).
- Make a reasonable effort to understand and cooperate with those responsible for student transportation.
- Damage to a bus or another vehicle by your child will result in you being required to pay for the damages.
The school believes that you and your fellow students, as well as the bus driver, should be able to ride safely on the school bus. In addition to bus specific consequences, you may be disciplined for any action on the bus or at the bus stop the same as if it happened in school. Students are under continual video surveillance whenever they are on a school bus.
When on the bus, the bus driver is in charge. For your safety and the safety of others on the bus, you must follow all rules and directions. Bus drivers and the school will normally keep a seating chart. YOU MAY NOT RIDE ANY BUS OTHER THAN YOUR ASSIGNED BUS. You can be disciplined if you do not follow all school rules, including the following specific rules:
- Sit in your assigned seat and use the seatbelt if available.
- Stay seated at all times while the bus is in motion.
- Do not place any part of your body outside the bus window.
- Do not distract the driver with loud conversations or noises.
- Observe appropriate classroom behavior.
- Do not eat or drink, other than water, on the bus.
- Maintain absolute silence at railroad crossings.
- Do not throw anything out of the bus or bus windows.
- Do not display signs from the bus.
- Do not use obscene language or gestures.
If you commit any infraction, the school bus driver has the right to address your behavior. If you cause repeated problems on the bus, the bus driver will give the school a written discipline referral of your actions. School administrators will take any action contained in this Code against you for misbehavior on the bus or at a bus stop.
Discipline on the school bus will be dealt with according to school protocols. However, severe infractions (for example, fighting, vaping, sexual behavior of any type) may result in immediate suspension based on the recommendation of the principal or designee.
School Bus Safety
Click the links below to see what you, as a member of the Manatee School For The Arts community, can do to help prevent accidents, injuries and become a safer driver while sharing our roads and highways with school buses!