Cambridge AICE, AP, & College Dual Enrollment
MSA’s Advanced Academic Programs offers advanced academic learning tracks in Cambridge AICE AP, and Dual Enrollment through Doral College, State College of Florida, and University of South Florida. These programs will provide students with the necessary skills and experiences to be successful in college and university level work beyond high school, while earning free college credit along the way. MSA also provides the necessary support to help cultivate students towards their future goals.
Cambridge AICE
The Cambridge AICE program offered at MSA is one of the most prestigious and rigorous international college preparatory programs available to high school students in Manatee County. The Cambridge AICE Program provides a more rigorous, faster-paced instruction in the core subjects of History, Math, Science, and Language Arts, along with the flexibility of choosing a variety of art and academic electives. Cambridge AICE prepares students for life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning.
The MSA Cambridge AICE program is open to qualified students in grades 6-12. MSA is the only school in Manatee County to offer a middle and high school program in one school. Start here and stay here! The middle school Pre-AICE program provides a solid foundation and prepares students for the AICE Diploma program in high school. Students who complete the AICE Diploma Program (passing 7 courses and exams) can earn a 100% Bright Futures scholarship! This is a great opportunity to earn free college! Qualified students may begin the program at any grade level in grades 6-12.
Admission to the Cambridge AICE Diploma Program will be based on the review of grades, GPA (2.75 minimum), standardized test scores, attendance and discipline, application, and essay.
If you would like to apply for admission to the MSA Cambridge AICE Program for middle or high school please complete the application and student essay.
Middle School Cambridge Pre-AICE Application
High School Cambridge AICE Diploma Application
Please send the completed application and any questions to our Cambridge AICE Assistant:
Nancy Wachendorf
941-721-6800 ext 1020
Office Hours: Daily 8:00am-4:00pm
If you are a new student to MSA you must complete an MSA application and be accepted to MSA prior to acceptance into the Cambridge AICE program.
High School Cambridge AICE Diploma Progression.
CLICK for Video – AICE Parent Info Night 10/22/24
CLICK for Power Point Presentation – AICE Parent Info Night